In their Words...

For the Golden Hammer Crew, volunteering is more than just a chance to develop new skills; it’s about camaraderie and sense of community

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Volunteer Profiles - The Golden Hammer Crew: Building Dreams with Habitat for Humanity

In their Words...

For the Golden Hammer Crew, volunteering is more than just a chance to develop new skills; it’s about camaraderie and sense of community

Meet Habitat for Humanity’s “Golden Hammer Crew!”

Recipients of a 2024 Be the Difference Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service in Santa Cruz County.

There are many “building blocks” required to construct a Habitat for Humanity home: a shovel-ready construction site, dedicated staff, enthusiastic volunteers, qualified homebuyers eager to contribute sweat equity, funding for building materials, and generous donors.

There is an element, however, that makes Santa Cruz County Habitat homes magical: dedicated individuals fondly referred to as the “Golden Hammer Crew.” This fraternity of volunteers include Alexander Gaguine, Ken Averell, Dave Cantanho, G. Jim Chambers, Lynn Comeskey, John Edwards, Richard Emigh, Paul Kaneko, Eric Nelson, Paul Zemlim, and their recently deceased friends John Reisdorf, Jon Hooper and Ron Buswell. This group of experienced, skilled volunteers have been volunteering on Habitat build sites since 1989, lending their carpentry skills, camaraderie, and love for the community to every home they work on.

The Golden Hammer Crew has left their mark on 62 Habitat homes since 1989, contributing nearly 50,000 volunteer hours. Their expertise spans every aspect of home construction, from foundation to rooftop, and they’ve mentored countless inexperienced volunteers throughout their tenure. Though they did not originally come from construction backgrounds, they have honed their skills to become experts in plumbing, electrical work, roofing, tile installation, framing, painting, finished carpentry, and landscaping.

For the Golden Hammer Crew, volunteering is more than just a chance to develop new skills; it’s about the camaraderie and sense of community forged while working alongside homebuyers and fellow volunteers. Their inspiration stems from helping low-income families achieve their dream of homeownership.

Habitat for Humanity Monterey Bay deeply appreciates the selfless dedication, hard work, and good humor (perhaps fueled by the many donuts and coffee enjoyed during their time together) of these remarkable volunteers. Habitat homeowners recognize that the passion of volunteers like the Golden Hammer Crew is embedded in the very walls of their homes, making them truly special. The memories of hard work, laughter, and learning create a lasting legacy, supporting each new homeowner as they begin to make their own cherished memories in their new Home-Sweet-Home.


Learn more about volunteering with Habitat for Humanity in Santa Cruz County 


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