In their Words...

"I like the feeling of helping people and getting to interact with people of all ages,"- Kathleen

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Volunteer Profiles - Meet Kathleen

In their Words...

"I like the feeling of helping people and getting to interact with people of all ages,"- Kathleen

The first time Kathleen came into our office was to sit down with our volunteer matchmaker. She had recently retired from her job as a receptionist and was looking for a way to stay engaged in her community. Full of life and feeling good, she wondered “how could people just stop?” When our office manager heard there was a vibrant, retired receptionist looking to start volunteering, she jumped at the opportunity to work with her and Kathleen has been here almost every week since.

Kathleen immediately liked her position as a receptionist because she found it was a good “perch” from which she could learn about everything going on in the county. She also appreciates the flexibility that her position affords as she continues to work part-time as a handy-person.

Her favorite part of the position is the friendships she has built with the Volunteer Center’s clients and staff. She likes the feeling of “helping people” and getting to “interact with people of all ages.”

We love working with Kathleen as her kindness and love for helping others always shines through from her incredible smile to the lending of her books.  We know at least one staff member who is greatly enjoying her latest book recommendation. Thanks so much Kathleen!


Give Your Time

GIVE YOUR TIME: Are you interested in volunteering at the front desk? Express interest here.

FIND YOUR CAUSE: Still trying to discover your passion? The Volunteer Center can help. Connect with a Match-Maker

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