
CitySERVE is a partnership between the Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County and the City of Santa Cruz, serving as a matchmaker between interested community members and City staff who want to work with volunteers. View & Download CitySERVE Brochure

CitySERVE staff also work to promote the use of volunteers throughout the City, actively supporting the development of new volunteer programs within local government. CitySERVE staff work closely with City staff to find the right volunteer fit for your skills and interests.




Visit the CitySERVE Website

Our team looks forward to connecting you with a rewarding volunteer placement within city government.

All content, paperwork, registration information and opportunities for this program can be found on the  City of Santa Cruz website. Learn more about short-term and long-term volunteer opportunities, internships, and special projects via the website or contact us using the info links above. 

Visit the City of Santa Cruz Website


Documents for City of Santa Cruz Interns and Volunteers

All volunteers and interns must complete the CitySERVE Application before they begin volunteering.

Online Application

Track your volunteer or intern hours using the CitySERVE Timesheet - or scroll to the bottom of this page and use the online form.

Download the CitySERVE Timesheet HERE

Beach Clean Up application - Please complete the application 3-weeks prior to the date that you want to host a group beach clean up at Cowell or Main Beach.

Download the City of Santa Cruz Beach Clean Up Application HERE


Resources for City Of Santa Cruz Employees

If you'd like to host and intern or volunteers in your department or program the first step is to complete the DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS form.

If you'd like a pdf of the form, assistance filling out the form or developing a volunteer position please contact the CitySERVE program specialist Johnmy Shamoun

[email protected]

or [email protected]

If a volunteer is injured please report the injury immediately to City of Santa Cruz Human Resources / CitySERVE (831)420-5403.

We must complete an accident report form to be eligible for an insurance claim - we will help you complete the form.

You can access the form here:


Meet Johnny

CitySERVE Volunteer and Intern Hours

Report your volunteer hours monthly! It is important for us to know when you are volunteering so we can ensure that you are covered by our insurance. We also compile quarterly and annual reports for the Santa Cruz City Council on the impact of volunteer service in our city.

  • Please write the month you are reporting - please submit a new form for each month. i.e. September
  • Please indicate the total number of volunteer hours you contributed this month. For increments of an hour, please use decimals (ex: 9.50, 12.25)
  • Please write the name of your volunteer supervisor.
  • Please select the Department or Program You are volunteering with. If you don't see your program on the list - please select other.
  • If your department or program is not in the drop down list, please enter it here.
  • We'd love to hear from you! We are always looking for ways we can improve the City of Santa Cruz volunteer programs. We invite you to share about what you like best about your volunteering or share a story. This might be: any health benefits, social connections, satisfaction of making a difference, stories of those you helped or how it made you feel - Thanks!
  • If you would like us to follow up with you please share your preferred phone number