Transportation Program
For most individuals getting to a medical or dental appointment, the grocery store, or bank is as simple as jumping in the car or on the local bus. But for some in the community, it is impossible due to disability, declining health, or the rigors of aging. For over 40 years, the Volunteer Center Transportation Program has served to address the needs of ambulatory seniors and the disabled by offering volunteer-powered rides throughout Santa Cruz County.
Our program matches seniors (60+) and disabled individuals who need a ride to essential destinations within Santa Cruz County (e.g. to medical appointments, grocery stores, pharmacies, and banks) with volunteer drivers. Volunteers use their own vehicles.
We are not able to accommodate individuals with wheelchairs nor can we provide rides to surgeries.
To learn more and schedule a ride, call us at (831) 427-3435.

Please call (831) 427-3435 to schedule a ride. We request you call 7-10 days in advance of when you will need a driver.
10am-2pm Monday through Friday
1740 17th Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Email: [email protected]

By signing up to volunteer, you'll be supporting someone who wouldn't otherwise receive help. If you have a good driving record, a car, and insurance, we'd love for you to become a volunteer driver. Drivers participate at their convenience. Most drive once a week, some drive once a month, others drive multiple times a week. We provide supplemental insurance coverage. We also need volunteers to help out as coordinators one day a week.

The Volunteer Center is committed to providing transportation in an environment that is free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Any Person who believes they have been discriminated against based on race, color or national origin with regard to transportation services delivered has the right to file a complaint within 180 days of the alleged incident. Complaint forms are available from Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County, 1740 17th Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95062 831.427.5070
Please click here for the Title VI complaint form in English.
Questions? Please call us at 831-427-5070
Volunteer Center Santa Cruz County se compromete a proveer transportación en un ambiente libre de la discriminación por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, edad, sexo, orientación sexual o identidad de género de acuerdo con el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964. Cualquier persona que cree que ha sido objeto de discriminación por motivos de raza, color u origen nacional con respecto a los servicios de transportación tiene derecho a presentar una queja dentro de los 180 días del supuesto incidente. Los formularios de quejas están disponibles con los despachadores de Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County, 1740 17th Ave, Santa Cruz, 831-427-5070.
Haga clic aquí para el formulario de quejas de título VI en español.
¿Preguntas? Por favor, llámenos al 831-427-5070.