"We need to give back. Business leaders need to give back to those that have trusted us ..."

Volunteer Profiles - Meet Granite Construction
"We need to give back. Business leaders need to give back to those that have trusted us ..."
Granite Construction has a long history of engaging their employees in the community. Most recently they have focused their volunteer effort on supporting Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services. Due to the generosity of Granite Construction, Jacob’s Heart now has a wonderful new space where they can continue to improve the quality of life for each child and support their families. Their dedicated employees have volunteered countless hours for Jacob’s Heart.
Granite’s generosity started a ripple effect, inspiring others to step up with donations and volunteer time to transform the new office space into a loving environment. Their dedication to the cause has been incredible and the Volunteer Center was proud to name them the a 2015 Be the Difference Award Winner.
Give Your Time
GIVE YOUR TIME: Are you a business that would like to follow in the footsteps of Granite by engaging your employees in meeting the needs of our community? The Volunteer Center can help with that. Learn more about our business partnerships.
FIND YOUR CAUSE: Still trying to discover your passion? The Volunteer Center can help. Connect with a Match-Maker