In their Words...

"Here is this 18 year old girl, tons of aspiration, one of the best students I have ever had and yet she is hitting barriers around opportunities"

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Volunteer Profiles - Meet Jacob

In their Words...

"Here is this 18 year old girl, tons of aspiration, one of the best students I have ever had and yet she is hitting barriers around opportunities"

Jacob Martinez is a committed advocate for youth in Santa Cruz County. Over the past decade, he has introduced Watsonville teens to technology through after-school engineering and computer classes in the Pajaro Valley School District. As Project Director at ETR’s Watsonville TEC, Jacob led a variety of technology programs that supported youth from rural communities to pursue higher education. Under his leadership, students and programs went on to receive local and national recognition.

Despite his successes, he still saw a gap in the number of current and former students that didn’t have access to computers or the internet for their school work and in their professional lives. Out of this need, “Digital Nest” was born. Located in Watsonville, “Digital Nest” aims to provide a high-tech space for young people ages 12 to 24 to gain marketable technology skills.

As the founder of “Digital Nest”, Jacob is an inspiring leader with a powerful vision to create a better community by bridging the digital divide for youth and young adults in Santa Cruz County.

Over the past decade Jacob has raised $250,000 to build Digital Nest. More than 50 educators devote their time to make this program a success and you can too.


Give Your Time

GIVE YOUR TIME: There are lots of ways to get involved at the NEST! You can make a lasting difference by sharing your expertise with members, helping their team raise funds for new programs, or helping to keep things running smoothly, either in the workspace or behind the scenes. Learn More

FIND YOUR CAUSE: Still trying to discover your passion? The Volunteer Center can help. Connect with a Match-Maker

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