In their Words...

"Serving as an AmeriCorps member and helping with special events in the community has helped me ease into a transitional point in my life. My position has provided me not only with a sense of purpose, but friends and memories too."

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Volunteer Profiles - Meet Melissa

In their Words...

"Serving as an AmeriCorps member and helping with special events in the community has helped me ease into a transitional point in my life. My position has provided me not only with a sense of purpose, but friends and memories too."

Melissa has dedicated a year of her life to the AmeriCorps Program to positively influence our community!  Since graduating from East Carolina University, she has moved across the country from North Carolina and stepped into her role supporting the Human Race here at the Volunteer Center.

The Volunteer Center’s AmeriCorps Volunteer Initiative Program (VIP) places AmeriCorps Members at fellow non-profits within the county to serve as Volunteer Coordinators. Their role is to recruit, train, and guide volunteers within their organization.

This position has given Melissa the chance to expand her communication and event planning skills while gaining connections within this new town. In her role, Melissa connects community members with volunteer events at the Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County; with many of the events being ones she had a hand in planning. Being able to help plan and organize events is a fun and exciting experience for her! It involves learning what goes into a project and connecting with many different people. Melissa has a love for people and enjoys meeting new ones constantly.

Melissa is part of a cohort of 11 AmeriCorps members that work with the Volunteer Center through the AmeriCorps VIP Program. This is the 10th year that this program has been in place and making an impact in the community! Together, they recruit thousands of community members to volunteer each year and get them better connected within our community.

Besides recruiting volunteers, Melissa is taking advantage of living in California by exploring as much of it as she can. This new territory is taking her by surprise with its beautiful sights. Overall, this year has been fun and exciting with much more to come!


Give Your Time

GIVE YOUR TIME: Are you also passionate about helping individuals connect with their community for good? Check out the Volunteer Center AmeriCorps Program

FIND YOUR CAUSE: Still trying to discover your passion? The Volunteer Center can help. Connect with a Match-Maker

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