Contact Court Community Service & Enroll

Download the Enrollment Form
Before we can get started you need to complete the registration form and pay the application fee to enroll in the program. You can download and complete the form then email or return it to one of our offices. Additionally, you can schedule an appointment to complete the form with a case manager.
We strive to meet the needs of those referred by the court for community service and we would look forward to providing you with support to complete your hours. Please fill out this form and we will be in touch with you shortly.
Our Locations & Hours
1740 17th Avenue
Santa Cruz, 95062
Near the corner of 17th Ave
& Capitola Rd. - Live Oak
Phone: (831) 423-4592
10 Carr Street
Watsonville, CA 95076
Phone: (831) 724-8799
In Person Drop-In Hours Tues & Wed 10AM -12PM & 1-4PM
Online & Email Support Mon - Thurs 10AM- 12PM & 1- 4PM
Appointments are available Tues and Wed 10am-12 pm & 1pm-4pm
EMAIL: [email protected]