In their Words...

"Working with volunteers last year gave me great pleasure, so stepping into this new role as a volunteer coordinator made sense for me."- Lindsey

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Volunteer Profiles - Meet Lindsey

In their Words...

"Working with volunteers last year gave me great pleasure, so stepping into this new role as a volunteer coordinator made sense for me."- Lindsey

Lindsey has chosen to step up for service by joining the Americorps Program and is now serving her second year.  After pursuing her interest in environmental stewardship last year by serving with the Watershed Stewards Program she decided she would like to round out her professional skills by gaining some administrative experience. Therefore she joined the Volunteer Center AmeriCorps Volunteer Initiative Program (VIP) which places AmeriCorps Members at fellow non-profits to serve as Volunteer Coordinators.

This new role has given Lindsey the opportunity to hone in on her future professional goals while also making a difference in the community where she grew up.  As such she connects community members with volunteer opportunities at the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum.  As a plant lover and a person committed to conservation she has found her perfect niche for the moment.

Lindsey is part of 9 year collective of volunteers who have worked with the Volunteer Center through the Americorps VIP Program. In the past 9 years more than 80 individuals have given their time to generate nearly 200,000 hours of service in Santa Cruz County.

“Working with volunteers last year gave me great pleasure so stepping into this new role as a volunteer coordinator made sense for me. I applied and never looked back,” states Lindsey.

The Volunteer Center has been fortunate to have her skill and passion this year.

After AmeriCorps Lindsey hopes to continue working in the environmental non-profit field and she would eventually like to return to school to pursue an advanced degree in environmental law.

When asked if she has additional life dreams she says with a smile, “as part of my 15 year plan, I also want to own a goat farm.”

Not a Baaaaa…d idea Lindsey! We wish her well.


Give Your Time

GIVE YOUR TIME: Are you also passionate about helping individuals connect with their community for good? Check out the Volunteer Center AmeriCorps Program

FIND YOUR CAUSE: Still trying to discover your passion? The Volunteer Center can help. Connect with a Match-Maker

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