In their Words...

"Between all of us, we can do a little bit to help make our community a better place!"

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Volunteer Profiles - Meet Ron and Jim: Friends in Service

In their Words...

"Between all of us, we can do a little bit to help make our community a better place!"

Neighbors, workout partners, volunteers, and friends for over 15 years – Jim Kinney and Ron Marquez have a long history of community service. Jim served in Kiwanis for over 40 years and Ron, a former VC Board Member, has volunteered as a “Helping Hand” for local seniors for over 14 years!

Ron recruited Jim to the Volunteer Center and together, they have fun giving back to their local community. Both volunteer for Helping Hands, installing grab bars and performing fall prevention modifications in homes. When he’s not volunteering with Helping Hands, Jim can be found giving rides to medical appointments through our Transportation Program. When asked why he volunteers, Jim shared, “Between all of us, we can do a little bit to help make our community a better place!”

Ron adds, “People really appreciate the help! You can see how much they appreciate the help.”

Jim recruited a friend who now volunteers for the Transportation Program. His friend recently told him that he really enjoys volunteering, “ I can’t get over that I’m making people feel good just by giving them a ride.”

“I think there’s a lot of people out there that want to do something but they don’t know how to get involved in the community. I like to just tell people what I do and let them decide how they will help. The Volunteer Center has a whole range of programs that might suit them.”

Ron invites anyone who is interested in volunteering to “check out all the opportunities through the Volunteer Center. It’s kind of nice that it’s all under one umbrella.”

Ron says, “Ultimately, we’re all going to need a little bit of help.”

Thank you, Jim and Ron! We’re so grateful for your service.

Now is the perfect time to take charge of your health and get socially active by serving your community. The Volunteer Center has a diverse selection of opportunities for you to choose from.

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FIND YOUR CAUSE: Still trying to discover your passion? Explore volunteer opportunities currently available.