Summertime Outside Volunteering – Two VC Staff Pick Highlights

Highlighting the Homeless Garden Project: Where Everyone is Included — Written by Jeanée Ryan, Monterey Bay RSVP Program Specialist at the Volunteer Center It wasn’t a chilly Thursday morning, but the falling fog was consistent out on the farm and I felt relaxed and calm. I was happy to be outdoors. Volunteers, interns, and trainees … Read more

Connect to Action Resources on Gun Violence

JOIN US IN OUR 14 DAY CHALLENGE TO HELP END GUN VIOLENCE! At the Volunteer Center, we believe the world changes for good when people come together and use data, resources and tools to take informed actions that solve problems.  We believe that it is time we all join together across every cause to solve … Read more

Mental Health Awareness Month Spotlight – employment & job support are critical to mental health recovery

By Kelsey Smith, Career Services Employment Specialist Returning to work can be daunting for anyone who has taken time off, particularly those overwhelmed by anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges. Community Connection provides holistic support for people with mental health diagnoses including day classes, family support, substance use recovery services, healthy lifestyle support, and … Read more

Take Action for Earth Day

Earth Day 2022 is this Friday, April 22nd! Join the world’s largest environmental movement by taking action on Friday or any other day because every day is Earth Day! We have put together a guide of all the best environmentally focused volunteer opportunities and you can choose to volunteer at a one-day event or sign … Read more

How Can We Ensure Nonprofits are Supported & Thrive During Future Emergencies?

What an honor to represent our Center and the Nonprofit Sector in my testimony at a Joint Assembly/Senate Select Committee Hearing on the topic of  “Ensuring Nonprofits are Supported and Thrive during Future Emergencies”.  This invitation was extended because the incredible work we did together over the last 2 long years of Covid and Fire … Read more

Delaney addresses lawmakers

Santa Cruz Sentinel  – March 13 – The vital role of the Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County, in particular its work over the last two years providing essential COVID-19 and fire response to the community, has been noticed by state nonprofit sector leaders as well as state government leaders. On Feb. 17, Karen Delaney, executive … Read more

Take Action on MLK Holiday!

“And one of the great liabilities of life is that all too many people find themselves living amid a great period of social change, and yet they fail to develop the new attitudes, the new mental responses, that the new situation demands. They end up sleeping through a revolution.” — Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King … Read more

Listening to a Generation in Crisis

The last two years have impacted our community in immeasurable ways. The mental, emotional and physiological distress we’ve collectively endured is only starting to surface. For some of us, we brushed the dust off our shoulders as we jumped back into our daily routines…but for others, the crippling weight of anxiety, depression, trauma and fear … Read more

A Special Safety Message to our Volunteers

Dear Amazing Volunteers, Time and time again this year, our community needed help and you answered the call. Sometimes to stay at home and wait patiently, making masks, phoning seniors and raising funds online to keep our community whole through those early days of COVID. During the fires you showed up in record numbers to … Read more

Connect for Good Outside

It’s a clear-skied, beautiful summer in Santa Cruz County so far, and with so much uncertainty regarding the Delta variant and what activities are safe, there has never been a better time to volunteer outside.  Volunteering outside is the safest way to put your values into action, make a lasting impact and connect with your … Read more

2021 Civic 50 – Prioritizing Investing in Strengthening our Community

This year’s list of The Civic 50 promotes National and Regional Companies that choose to make investing in strengthening our communities and civil society – giving, volunteering and voting – a priority. Receiving this award is not a vanity or popularity exercise; these companies are selected based on detailed data about their policy, practice, leadership, … Read more

Navigating the Criminal Justice System During a Pandemic

Volunteer Center Staff member holding the Volunteer Center Heart logo in her hand

 While community programs were put on hold over the past year, two of our programs at the Volunteer Center, Friends Outside and the Court Community Service Program managed to keep their doors open during the entirety of these chaotic times. As restorative justice programs meeting the needs of men and women either facing incarceration or coming out of incarceration– family connections, livelihoods, personal safety, and autonomy were at stake. 

Pause & Reflection For the 2021 Human Race

Nothing embodies the power and joy of connecting our community for good like the Human Race Giving Campaign! Each February it begins with the kick-off of a small group of determined and hopeful dreamers who come together across business, schools, faith, neighborhoods, service clubs and nonprofits to unveil a new look and theme for artwork, … Read more

February Kindness- Helping Seniors Stay Connected

We are rolling into our week basking in the love and kindness displayed by our community in February. Throughout the past week staff, volunteers, and community partners distributed hundreds of handmade Valentine’s to local seniors living alone or in care facilities. Started as a project on Martin Luther King Day 2021, community members designed and … Read more

Join Us as a Volunteer at County-Wide Vaccine Clinics

UPDATE FEB. 5th The County of Santa Cruz has opened a weekly mass vaccination clinic at the Watsonville Fairgrounds, clinics at the old City Hall in Watsonville, and a special clinic at Dominican Hospital on Feb 18th to provide vaccines to the latest community tiers. We are supporting this effort by mobilizing non-medical volunteers to help … Read more