Many Hands Make Light Work

Thank you to all the volunteers who came out this weekend to help clean up Pajaro and to KSBW for reporting on these critical clean-up efforts. Watch the Clip Here There is SO much more work to be done. But, as one of our volunteers said in the video, “Many hands make light work.” Volunteer … Read more

Sign Up Now to Get Help and Help Others

Volunteer Center Executive Director Karen Delaney strategizes clean-up efforts with Team Rubicon on a sunny day in Felton Grove, Felton, CA

We’ve all seen the destruction and loss caused by last weekend’s storms and flooding. Many of you have reached out to offer help and support – thank you. Our Volunteer Mobilization team is working closely with a coalition of Watsonville nonprofits and County agencies to launch disaster clean-up Operations in Pajaro and Watsonville. And, we’re … Read more

Are you ready to shift the narrative?

You know the usual suspects – the people who always show up for every campaign, event, and meeting.  The businesses that say yes to sponsorships, release their employees to mentor, coach and serve on committees, advisory councils, and Boards.  The groups that fill sandbags in the rain, deliver food on holidays, and set out in … Read more

Floodwaters contaminate residences throughout santa cruz county

RESIDENTS RETURN HOME TO COSTLY REPAIRS FOLLOWING BARRAGE OF STORMS By: ROXANNE HOORNThe Pajaronian – February 3, 2023 Francisco Elcanto schleps a five-gallon bucket into the back seat of his car. A peek under the lid reveals an assortment of neatly packed cleaning supplies. Today, all he needs is some cleaning supplies, which he is … Read more

Felton Grove Cleanup benefits from army of volunteers

A volunteer digs out the entryway to a Felton Grove home.

AMERICORPS AND VOLUNTEER CENTER TEAM UP TO HELP RESIDENTS By: DREW PENNER Scotts Valley Press BannerFebruary 3, 2023 ….It’s not that neighborhood residents were unaware of the flood risk.“Theoretically we are prepared for this,” (Felton Grove resident)  said, noting it’s the first time they’ve tapped into the Volunteer Center’s network. “We generally just recover ourselves. … Read more

Volunteers Showing Up with Love for Post-Storm Cleanup

Folks from Nebraska to North Carolina saw images of our battered coastline and the wreckage of Seacliff State Beach and Capitola Village. But the public — and the president — didn’t get to see the communities whose homes and livelihoods were impacted by the storms and they didn’t see who showed up to help. They didn’t see who it was that filled and delivered 40,000 sandbags, helped evacuate and feed seniors, or got over 5,000 hot meals to people in need. And they aren’t going to see the expert disaster case managers guiding people to resources they may be able to benefit from.

Volunteers help cleanup Felton Grove neighborhood

two volunteers stand in knee deep mud, holding shovels as they take a break outside of a flooded home

KION 546 Report By Ana Torrea – January 26, 2023 FELTON, Calif. (KION-TV)- Volunteers in Santa Cruz County came out on Thursday to help clean up the Felton Grove neighborhood. It was one of the hardest-hit areas during the winter storms. Volunteers met at Covered Bridge Park Thursday afternoon. The Felton Grove neighborhood is just one of several … Read more

Please – Donate Now to Keep Volunteers in the Field

When the first of three major storms rolled into Santa Cruz County on December 31, 2022, no one could have anticipated the destruction left in their wake. The combination of heavy rain, high tides, and extra large swell swallowed up many of our beaches, parks, and low-lying neighborhoods. It took more than two weeks for … Read more

Editorial | In praise of volunteers as Santa Cruz County cleans up

Santa Cruz Sentinel – January 20, 2023 – EDITORIAL BOARD… “the volunteer response has been so overwhelming that the Santa Cruz County Volunteer Center reported to the Sentinel they only have tools and safety equipment for so many volunteers in a day to help in Felton, Capitola and Watsonville. For now, the Volunteer Center’s efforts, said … Read more

Volunteers come together to clean up storm damage in Felton

young volunteers covered in mud celebrate a hard days a work while grateful homeowners look on, and the San Lorenzo River rages in the background

Santa Cruz Sentinel – January 20, 2023 – Aric SleeperFELTON — More than 50 volunteers from the Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County and others from all over California gathered at Felton Covered Bridge County Park Friday to help the neighborhood of Felton Grove shovel its way back to some kind of normalcy after multiple flood … Read more

Flood Clean-Up: Sign Up Now to Get Help and Help Others

Photo: Aisha Charves, VC’s Career Services and Healthy Connections Program Coordinator, leading efforts to begin clean-up in her hard-hit community of Paradise Park. GET HELP WITH CLEAN-UP You don’t have to clean up alone.  The Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County provides trained, compassionate volunteers ready to shovel mud and debris, fill dumpsters, and clean, … Read more

Support services organize amid ongoing storm impacts in Santa Cruz County

Volunteer Center Executive Director Karen Delaney strategizes clean-up efforts with Team Rubicon on a sunny day in Felton Grove, Felton, CA

Santa Cruz Sentinel – January 11, 2023 – PK Hattis “….The Santa Cruz Volunteer Center is also coordinating efforts across the county for people looking to donate their time and energy. The Volunteer Center’s Executive Director Karen Delaney told the Sentinel on Wednesday that a total of about 300 people have signed up to help with … Read more

A Year of Miracles

Karen Delaney, Executive Director, smiles brightly while holding the heart of the Volunteer Center logo.

A year of miracles is drawing to a close, and I want to thank every person who stepped up and contributed passion, skill, and kindness; who donated funds, services, and goods, to connect for good.  You are the heart of our community! And, you made miracles possible. Big Miracles, like walking into an empty warehouse … Read more

Adopt-a-Family for Christmas: There Are Many Ways to Have a Meaningful Holiday

Santa Cruz Sentinel -December 12, 2022 The Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County serves as the heart of holiday giving, coordinating with agencies and support networks across the county to ensure our most vulnerable neighbors have the support they need. To make it easy for potential volunteers to connect with causes they care about, the … Read more

The Holiday Volunteer Guide is Here!

Sponsored by Santa Cruz County Bank, the 2022 Holiday Volunteer Guide offers a way for everyone to get involved with the causes they care about the most. What is the best thing about Santa Cruz County? At the Volunteer Center, we all certainly agree – it’s the people! That’s because the Santa Cruz Community never … Read more

Wellness Connect Fills a Gap: Stability and Security for Young Adults

Access to mental health services is a core underlying issue for many people experiencing homelessness. The Volunteer Center offers several programs to help alleviate this issue, the most recent of which is Wellness Connect. Funded by Santa Cruz County Behavioral Health, Wellness Connect provides prevention, early intervention, treatment, and recovery services for anyone over 18 … Read more

We Need You: Volunteer to Change Lives as a Literacy Program Tutor!

What if I told you that, by volunteering about three hours a week, you can completely transform a family’s future?  With just three hours a week, you can help a family increase their earnings, help their children do better in school, and change lives for this generation and those to come.   Volunteer Tutors with the … Read more

Overcoming Mental Health Stigma & Celebrating Potential

By Kelsey Turnbull-Pedrazzini, Community Connection Program Coordinator When asking one of our participants about the challenges they face with a mental health diagnosis, stigma is often one of the first answers. Stigma is the negative or discriminatory ideas others have about someone with a mental health diagnosis. Self-stigma is the negative feelings or shame an … Read more